Uniquely Among the Arts
Topic: Creativity, Culture, & the Arts
Music, uniquely among the arts, is both completely abstract and profoundly emotional. It has no power to represent anything particular or external, but it has a unique power to express inner states or feelings. Music can pierce the heart directly; it needs no mediation.
Oliver Wolf Sacks, CBE, [b. July 09, 1933, d. August 30, 2015]
Website: http://www.oliversacks.com/ Was a British neurologist residing in the United States, who has written popular books about his patients, the most famous of which is Awakenings, which was adapted into a film of the same name starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro.
Sacks, Oliver and Daniel Glaser. Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. Picador, 2018.

Oliver Sacks
Theme: The Musical Arts
- Oliver Wolf Sacks, CBE, Website
- Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain
- Maria Popova, Brainpickings, Oliver Sacks on the Three Essential Elements of Creativity
- Oliver Sacks on 9/11 and the Paradoxical Power of Music to Bring Solace by Making Room for Our Pain
- Yo-Yo Ma - Bach: Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, Prélude
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Maria Popova About Oliver W. Sacks
In one particularly poignant passage, emanating his usual gift for exposing the monumental through the minute, Dr. Sacks captures the heart of music’s strange power over us by reflecting on a fleeting moment that took place on the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks:
—Maria Popova, Brainpickings [Oliver Wolf Sacks, CBE, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain].