When you sing in harmony, you change the way the entire song is sung. It becomes a new song, a different song. This is the song of the soul, and there is none more beautiful.
Neale Donald Walsch
The Song of the Soul
Topic: Creativity, Culture, & the Arts
Harmony means feeling the vibrations of the moment, of the person, place, or circumstance you are now experiencing, and blending with it. Blending does not mean matching. Singing in harmony does not mean singing in unison. It does mean singing together.
When you sing in harmony, you change the way the entire song is sung. It becomes a new song, a different song. This is the song of the soul, and there is none more beautiful.
Neale Donald Walsch (born September 10, 1943) is an American author of the series Conversations with God. He is also an actor, screenwriter, and speaker.
Walsch was brought up as a Catholic by a family who encouraged his quest for spiritual truth. He informally studied comparative theology for many years.[citation needed] He says his books are not channelled, but rather that they are inspired by God and that they can help a person relate to God from a modern perspective. Walsch's vision is an expansion and unification of all present theologies to render them more relevant to our present day and time. He created Humanity's Team as a spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and implement his New Spirituality beliefs, particularly that we are all one with God and one with life, in a shared global state of being.[1] This state can be achieved, Walsch argues, by the act of helping other people: "The fastest way to apply anything in your life is to help others to apply it... The fastest way to use any wisdom that resides in your soul is to help someone else... Because we are all one".[2] Walsch has nine children. He has a home in southern Oregon where he lives with his wife, Em Claire, who is a working poet.
Friendship with God
Neale Donald Walsch. Friendship with God. Putnam Adult, 1999 (pp. 233-236).
Neale Donald Walsch
Theme: The Musical Arts
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Heart-to-Heart Dialogue with God and Neale Donald Walsch [Excerpt]
And that is how I can best help You! I can best help by “remembering.” Or, as you would put it, “re-membering.” That is, becoming a member once again of the body of God.
I have never seen words come together like that, so meaningfully. It’s all so… symmetrical.
―Neale Donald Walsch. Friendship with God. Putnam Adult, 1999 (pp. 233-236).