The presence of the Spirit: it cannot be surmised, how may it be ignored! Such is the evidence of things invisible that it is impossible to doubt the spiritual nature of man.
The Presence of the Spirit
Topic: Ultimate Reality, God, Heavenly Parent
Confucius said, “The power of spiritual forces in the universe–how active it is everywhere! Invisible to the eyes and impalpable to the senses, it is inherent in all things, and nothing can escape its operation.
It is the fact that there are these forces which make men in all countries fast and purify themselves, and with solemnity of dress institute services of sacrifice and religious worship. Like the rush of mighty waters, the presences of unseen powers is felt; sometimes above us, sometimes around us. In the Book of Songs it is said,
The presence of the Spirit:
It cannot be surmised,
How may it be ignored!
Such is the evidence of things invisible that it is impossible to doubt the spiritual nature of man.“
Doctrine of the Mean
Wilson, Andrew, editor. World Scripture - a Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts. Paragon House, 1991, p. 48 [Confucius, Doctrine of the Mean 16].
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Confucius, Doctrine of the Mean 16
This also refers to evidences of a spiritual world.