Be grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun, and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful.
Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi

Glad and Peaceful
Topic: Gratitude
Be grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will come to shine like a sun, and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful. Persist in gratitude, and you will slowly become one with the Sun of Love, and Love will shine through you its all-healing joy.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, born on September 30, 1207, and also known as Jalaluddin Mevlana (Mawlānā) Rumi, J. M. Rumi, or simply as Rumi in the Western world, was an extraordinary poet, philosopher, and Sufi mystic. He was a prominent figure in the Islamic world, born in the region of present-day Afghanistan, then within the greater Persian Empire, and later settled in Konya, present-day Turkey. Rumi's passionate love for humanity and his deep spiritual insights transcended geographical, linguistic, and cultural barriers, making his poetry and teachings resonate not only within the Islamic world but also with audiences globally.
Rumi's spiritual journey led him to develop a unique approach to Sufism that emphasized love, tolerance, and the pursuit of enlightenment. He created a fusion of traditional Islamic beliefs with mysticism, nurturing a school of thought that flourished in his followers. They established a sect known to the Western world as the 'Whirling Dervishes', a term derived from their mesmerizing practice of whirling as a form of physical meditation. The proper name for this branch is the Mevlevi order, dedicated to preserving and promoting Rumi's teachings.
In addition to being a mystic, Rumi was an accomplished scholar and theologian who left behind an impressive literary legacy. His best-known work, the Mathnawi or Masnavi, is a six-volume poetic epic that explores themes of love, divine mystery, and human connection to the spiritual world. Rumi's poetic style is marked by profound emotion and philosophical depth, weaving metaphors and allegory to create timeless pieces that continue to inspire readers today. Rumi's influence reaches far beyond his time, as his teachings on love, compassion, and unity continue to touch the hearts of millions, transcending barriers of religion, culture, and era.
The Discourses
Harvey, Andrew, and Hanut, Eryk (Phot.)―Rūmī Jalāl al-Dīn. Light upon Light: Inspirations from Rumi. North Atlantic Books, 1996. Step 3: Grateful Heart, Joyful Heart. [Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, The Discourses].

Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi
Theme: Gratefulness
About This J. M. Rumi Quotation [Commentary]
Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī invites us to “be grateful for your life, every detail of it,” recognizing that this attitude changes not only how we feel but how we appear to others. Gratitude, when sincerely practiced, reshapes the way we move through the world. Rumi writes that our face “will come to shine like a sun,” suggesting that the inner quality of thankfulness naturally expresses itself outwardly. The effect is not limited to the individual—“everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful.” Gratitude becomes a shared experience, uplifting both the one who offers it and those who encounter its expression.
Rumi deepens this vision by urging persistence: “Persist in gratitude, and you will slowly become one with the Sun of Love.” Here, gratitude is not a passing feeling but a steady orientation of the heart. Over time, this inner turning draws us into closeness with Love itself. The phrase “Sun of Love” suggests a divine source that warms, nourishes, and transforms. As Rumi writes, “Love will shine through you its all-healing joy,” making clear that this transformation is not only inward but also relational. Gratitude becomes a way for Love to enter the world through us.
Together, these lines offer a vision of gratitude as a spiritual path. Rumi does not separate everyday thankfulness from the deeper movement of union with Love. The instruction is both simple and far-reaching: honor every detail of your life, and something greater will begin to shine through. The joy that results is not held privately but becomes “all-healing,” shared in subtle and visible ways with others.
Rumi by Hazrat Inayat Khan
“The original words of Rumi are so deep, so perfect, so touching, that when one man repeats them hundreds and thousands of people are moved to tears. They cannot help penetrating the heart. This shows how much Rumi himself was moved to have been able to pour out such living words.”
—Hazrat Inayat Khan [The Heart of Sufism, Sufi Poetry, Rumi].
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