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There is no light in heaven other than spiritual light, which is the light of Wisdom.

Emanuel Swedenborg


Spiritual Light

Topic: Truth, Law, & Principle

There is no light in heaven other than Spiritual Light, which is the light of Wisdom.

Emanuel Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg was born on January 29, 1688, in Stockholm, Sweden. He was a man of many talents and interests, carving out successful careers in several different fields. Initially, he excelled in the sciences and became a respected inventor and scientist. His contributions spanned a broad range of subjects, including anatomy, geology, and engineering. He published numerous scientific works and was highly regarded within the scientific community. His father, Jesper Swedberg, was a prominent Lutheran bishop, which likely influenced Swedenborg's spiritual inclinations.

In the mid-1740s, Swedenborg underwent a spiritual awakening that dramatically altered the course of his life. He reported having visions of the spiritual world and to communicate directly with angels, devils, and other spiritual entities. This marked a shift from his earlier scientific pursuits to a focus on spiritual and theological matters. He devoted the rest of his life to studying the Bible and writing theological treatises. Among his most notable works are "Arcana Caelestia" (Heavenly Secrets) and "Heaven and Hell," both of which detail his spiritual visions and interpretations of the Bible. He said, "For it has pleased the Lord to manifest Himself to me. He has opened the interiors of my mind or spirit to be in the spiritual world with angels, and at the same time in the natural world with men, and this now for 25 years." (Swedenborg, Conjugal Love #1).

Swedenborg passed away on March 29, 1772, in London, England. Despite never establishing a church or religious movement during his lifetime, his spiritual writings had a significant influence posthumously. His teachings became the foundation of the New Church (or Swedenborgianism), a Christian denomination that believes in direct, individual access to God without the need for intercession by clergy. Swedenborg's influence also extended beyond the religious sphere. His works had a profound impact on a variety of figures in literature and philosophy, including William Blake, Rudolf Steiner, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Carl Jung.

(1688-1772) Christianity
Divine Wisdom

Emanuel Swedenborg

Theme: The Light of Truth

An Additional Passage from Swedenborg :

“The light in the higher heavens is brilliant, exactly like a star glittering and shining brightly in itself by night, and there is light continuously because the Sun there does not set. It is this same light that enlightens the Understanding of those men in the world who are in the love of being wise, but it is not seen by them because they are natural, not spiritual; it is possible to see it, for it has been seen by me, but only with the eyes of my spirit. Moreover, it has been granted me to perceive that when I was in the light of the highest heaven, I was in wisdom, when in the light of the second heaven I was in intelligence, and when in the light of the lowest heaven I was in knowledge, whereas, when I was in natural light, I was in ignorance of spiritual things.”

―Swedenborg and Life, AE Vol. 6, Divine Wisdom.


Emanuel Swedenborg [Commentary]

Emanuel Swedenborg saw a profound connection between the spiritual light that illuminates the universe and the wisdom and love that originate from God. “There is no light in heaven other than spiritual light, which is the light of wisdom,” he stated. This light isn’t one that our eyes can see, but one that fills our minds, guiding us with the wisdom and love of God.

Swedenborg likened this spiritual light to a brilliantly shining star that never fades. Unlike earthly light, this spiritual illumination enlightens our understanding, but remains unseen to those solely focused on the physical world. It becomes visible to those open to the spiritual realm and receptive to God’s wisdom and love.

Swedenborg’s journey through the heavens highlighted the varying intensities of this light. The brightest light, found in the highest heaven, filled him with profound wisdom, while the less intense light of the lower heavens brought intelligence and knowledge. His experiences indicate that our understanding and spiritual growth are shaped by the degree of God’s light we receive.

Swedenborg’s insights suggest that the more we immerse ourselves in the light of truth, the more we are filled with divine wisdom and love. This spiritual light calls us to look beyond the physical, open our hearts to the spiritual realm, and let God’s divine illumination guide our journey towards truth and enlightenment.