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Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Happiness is a By-Product

Topic: Joy & Happiness

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, born on October 11, 1884, and passing away on November 7, 1962, was a significant American political figure, diplomat, and activist. Her service as the First Lady of the United States from March 1933 to April 1945, alongside her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his four terms in office, marked her as the longest-serving First Lady of the United States. Her tenure as First Lady was just the beginning of a long and impactful career in public service, showcasing her commitment to various social and political causes.

Following her role as First Lady, Roosevelt transitioned into a diplomatic position, serving as the United States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from 1945 to 1952. This role significantly contributed to her reputation as a dedicated advocate for human rights. Her work in promoting human rights on an international stage was groundbreaking, bringing attention to issues that were often overlooked, and working towards creating a world where human rights were recognized and protected.

Eleanor Roosevelt's legacy is marked by her dedication to human rights, her service to her country, and her continuous advocacy for the marginalized and oppressed. Her efforts in the realm of human rights were acknowledged by President Harry S. Truman, who honored her with the title "First Lady of the World." This title not only pays tribute to her achievements in the realm of human rights but also recognizes the lasting impact she had on both national and international platforms. Through her life’s work, Roosevelt set a lasting standard for public service and remains a notable figure in American history.

(1884-1962) Humanism, Arts and Sciences

Roosevelt, Eleanor. "You Learn by Living." Westminster John Knox Press, 1960, p. 95.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Theme: Happiness and Well-being

About This Eleanor Roosevelt Quotation [Brief Commentary]

Eleanor Roosevelt’s insight, “Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product,” speaks to a fundamental understanding of the nature of happiness and well-being. The quote reveals the notion that happiness isn’t something to be pursued or aimed at directly, but rather it emerges naturally from a life lived in alignment with one’s values and in service to others. Roosevelt’s wisdom redirects the focus from a self-centered pursuit of happiness as an end, to an other-centered engagement with life where happiness becomes a natural outcome.

About This Eleanor Roosevelt Quotation [Longer Commentary]

In “You Learn by Living,” Roosevelt extends an invitation to embrace a life of meaningful actions and authentic relationships, suggesting that these are the true sources of happiness and well-being. The idea that happiness is a by-product, suggests that it flows from a life well-lived, from giving, loving, and contributing to the well-being of others. This perspective aligns with a broader understanding that our well-being is intimately connected with the well-being of others, fostering a sense of shared humanity and mutual flourishing.

Roosevelt’s quotation is a gentle yet powerful reminder that in the quest for happiness, one might find greater fulfillment in turning outward, in dedicating oneself to a cause greater than personal satisfaction. It encourages a paradigm shift, urging individuals to seek meaningful engagement with the world, thereby cultivating a deeper sense of happiness and well-being that is sustainable and enriching. Through this lens, the quest for happiness transforms into a journey of purpose, compassion, and genuine connection, laying a solid foundation for a fulfilling life.

Eleanor Roosevelt’s Voice of Love

“Each of you needs to deeply, deeply appreciate who you are, including the uniqueness of who you are. I would like to say to everyone, embrace your life completely so that the reality you live in can be changed to higher and higher levels. Love yourself, for God lives in you. Do not diminish or insult that presence within. Let it be born in you as you awaken to it. Seek it with all your heart and mind. Then, when you come here [to the Spirit World], you will feel completely at home.”

—Eleanor Roosevelt, with Philip Burley, Channel (with Dolores Proiette). Voices of Love from the Light. P. 318.