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Respect all people as holy people, each one the sacred body of God.

Sun Myung Moon


Respect All People

Topic: Love, Compassion, & Kindness

Respect all things as holy things. Treat them as sacred objects. Respect all people as holy people, each one the sacred body of God. Respect yourself as a holy person, with the thought that your mind is God’s mind and your body is God’s body. Pay deep respect to all people, no matter what kind of person they may be. As a child, be respectful towards an elderly man. Think over your words three times before uttering them and always have a humble attitude. Always share with others the best thing you have. Empty your pocketbook to give. Then you will deserve the best result. If you do not do good for your fellow man, you will have no sleep. If you have done good, then your mind will rest in peace.

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon, born on January 6, 1920, was a spiritual leader and luminary hailing from North Korea. He founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, better known as the Unification Church, in 1954. Drawing upon direct Prophetic revelation, influenced by the major faith traditions—especially Christianity, but also Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, and Buddhism. He also developed a political philosophy to resist the spread of the anti-religious Communist ideology. Reverend Moon's teachings centered on love, unity, and peace. He aimed to spark a global spiritual movement that transcended religious and cultural divisions, and his vision resonated with followers all over the world. Through the Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon also promoted interfaith understanding and collaboration, striving for harmony among diverse religious traditions.

Reverend Moon's teachings went beyond the realm of the spiritual to touch on the universal human themes of love and family. He emphasized the importance of nurturing strong, loving families as the cornerstone for a harmonious and peaceful world. To this end, he conducted mass wedding ceremonies known as the 'Blessing', symbolizing the unity of all people under God, regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds. Moon also stressed the value of community service and encouraged his followers to actively contribute to their local communities.

Sun Myung Moon's partner in both life and work was his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. As co-leader of the Unification Church, she is a pivotal figure in spreading their shared vision of a world unified by love and peace. Affectionately known as 'True Mother', she embodies the ideal of nurturing and unconditional love in their teachings. After Reverend Moon's passing in 2012, Hak Ja Han Moon assumed sole leadership of the Unification Church and changed the name to Heavenly Parent's Holy Community. In her leadership role, she has tirelessly carried forward their mission, upholding the church's emphasis on peace, interfaith dialogue, and strong, loving families. Under her guidance, the church has continued to flourish, spreading its message of unity and love to people around the globe.

(1920-2012) Heavenly Parent's Holy Community

Wilson, Andrew, editor. World Scripture II. Universal Peace Federation, 2011, p. 686 [Sun Myung Moon 102:113, November 27, 1978: How To Gain Spiritual Help].

Sun Myung Moon

Theme: Compassion

About This Sun Myung Moon Quote [Commentary]

Reverend Moon’s words invite us into a sacred practice of respect and reverence that operates on multiple dimensions of compassion. At its foundation is self-compassion. When we acknowledge our own holiness, seeing ourselves as the sacred body of God, we cultivate an inner wellspring of kindness and understanding. It’s like striking water in a parched land; our compassion flows naturally from this source.

This way of being extends to mutual compassion in our immediate relationships. By treating others as we treat ourselves—with deep respect—we create a reciprocal energy of kindness and understanding. It’s not so much a calculated act as it is an innate response. And then there’s conscientious compassion, an awareness that moves beyond those we know personally to include all humans. We don’t just interact; we see, really see, the other as a fellow sacred being, deserving of our best gifts and words carefully chosen.

Finally, there is universal compassion, which Reverend Moon alludes to when he says, “Respect all things as holy things.” In this expansive state, we extend our circle of care to include not just all people but all of existence. When we practice universal compassion, it’s like the walls we usually put up between ourselves and the world become easier to cross. Love and respect can flow more freely between us and everything else. This makes it simpler to care for not just those close to us, but all people and things. In this way, we make the world a more loving and respectful place for everyone.

Sun Myung Moon 102:113, November 27, 1978: How To Gain Spiritual Help (Excerpt)

“Pray with all your heart, focusing your mind and soul on the object of your prayer, otherwise your mind will become restless and hasty. In the life of prayer, you must make the time to pray. Sit down even if it takes eight hours and pray. This time will never be wasted. Then you can go out and work eight hours for God. Therefore, be prayerful now and then go out, you and God together. If you have to write a sermon, for instance, the spirit world will help you prepare it. If you go out, the spirit world will lead you. You will discover the feeling of breaking through. You will become selfless, feeling the power of your mind and body pulling together in harmony. So the key word for this kind of life is respect.
Respect all things as holy things.
Respect all men as holy men.
Respect yourself as a holy person.
Respect your mind as holy.
Respect your body as holy.
Pay deep respect to all people, no matter what kind of person they may be. As a child, be respectful towards an elderly man. Think over your words three times before uttering them and always have a humble attitude.
Always share with others the best thing you have. Empty your pocketbook to give. Then you will deserve the best result. If you do not do good for your fellow man, you will have no sleep. If you have done good, then your mind will rest in peace. Unpack the dirty elements inside yourself and cleanse them. Open up the baggage of your mind and look what you find there. Don’t harbor selfish feelings. Repent publicly for any selfish feelings you may have entertained. Practice the virtue of meekness.”

—Sun Myung Moon [102:113, How To Gain Spiritual Help (November 27, 1978)].

Additional Sun Myung Moon Quotes

“Who knows how long he or she will live? Maybe tomorrow you will die, at a mere 25 or 30 years of age. Do you have some guarantee from God how long you will live? No one has such a guarantee.
A wise person thinks like this: “I have only a short time to live. Within this time I must prepare myself for eternity. The way I live in the next two years will be the model for my eternal life.” Then explode your sense of love. Love God, and love another person as God. For an entire day, 24 hours, pour out your entire energy for someone. If you love a person like this, even though you may die early, you will have made the highest accomplishment in all eternity. Then when God gives you more time to live, your response will be immense gratitude. Push yourself to live more fully. The person who expects death and then is given life dwells in the fullest gratitude.”

—Sun Myung Moon [102:113, How To Gain Spiritual Help (November 27, 1978)].

“The important question is, what is God’s essence? It is love. It is not love that seeks to be served, but love that seeks to serve.”

—Sun Myung Moon [Cheon Seong Gyeong 88.3.1].