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What causes our mind and body to resonate 100 percent and brings them into the realm of oneness? It is not God’s wisdom or power. It is only love.

Sun Myung Moon


It Is Only Love

Topic: Love, Compassion, & Kindness

Our spirit self and physical self should resonate like a tuning fork. When a tuning fork is struck, it makes a nearby tuning fork resonate at the same frequency. By the same principle, once God’s love moves in our spirit, our body automatically responds. What causes our mind and body to resonate 100 percent and brings them into the realm of oneness? It is not God’s wisdom or power. It is only love.

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon, born on January 6, 1920, was a spiritual leader and luminary hailing from North Korea. He founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, better known as the Unification Church, in 1954. Drawing upon direct Prophetic revelation, influenced by the major faith traditions—especially Christianity, but also Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, and Buddhism. He also developed a political philosophy to resist the spread of the anti-religious Communist ideology. Reverend Moon's teachings centered on love, unity, and peace. He aimed to spark a global spiritual movement that transcended religious and cultural divisions, and his vision resonated with followers all over the world. Through the Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon also promoted interfaith understanding and collaboration, striving for harmony among diverse religious traditions.

Reverend Moon's teachings went beyond the realm of the spiritual to touch on the universal human themes of love and family. He emphasized the importance of nurturing strong, loving families as the cornerstone for a harmonious and peaceful world. To this end, he conducted mass wedding ceremonies known as the 'Blessing', symbolizing the unity of all people under God, regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds. Moon also stressed the value of community service and encouraged his followers to actively contribute to their local communities.

Sun Myung Moon's partner in both life and work was his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. As co-leader of the Unification Church, she is a pivotal figure in spreading their shared vision of a world unified by love and peace. Affectionately known as 'True Mother', she embodies the ideal of nurturing and unconditional love in their teachings. After Reverend Moon's passing in 2012, Hak Ja Han Moon assumed sole leadership of the Unification Church and changed the name to Heavenly Parent's Holy Community. In her leadership role, she has tirelessly carried forward their mission, upholding the church's emphasis on peace, interfaith dialogue, and strong, loving families. Under her guidance, the church has continued to flourish, spreading its message of unity and love to people around the globe.

(1920-2012) Heavenly Parent's Holy Community

Wilson, Andrew, editor. World Scripture II. Universal Peace Federation, 2011, p. 181 [Sun Myung Moon 138:255, January 24, 1986].

Sun Myung Moon

Theme: Love

About This Sun Myung Moon Quote [Brief Commentary]

Sun Myung Moon’s philosophy underscores the profound interconnectedness of the human spirit and body, emphasizing the central role that love, specifically God’s love, plays in bridging these dimensions of our existence. The analogy of the tuning forks, where one tuning fork spontaneously resonates in harmony when another is struck, paints a vivid picture of how the spirit and body are meant to be in symphony. This harmonious resonance is not just a passive echo, but a manifestation of the intrinsic power of love. When our spirit, our vertical self, vibrates with the pure frequency of God’s love, it sends ripples through our body, our horizontal self, creating an equilibrium that expands outward to shape our relationships with the world around us.

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About This Sun Myung Moon Quote [Longer Commentary]

The dichotomy of the vertical and horizontal standard, representing the spiritual and physical aspects of humans, sheds light on the dual nature of existence. Just as the mind holds the vertical standard and the body the horizontal, the ideal person is one that aligns these two aspects harmoniously. When God’s love touches the spirit or mind, the body reciprocates, creating a symbiotic resonance. This interaction is not propelled by the might of God’s power or the depth of His wisdom but purely by the universality and boundlessness of His love. Such love serves as a universal language, a medium of communication, seamlessly transmitting vibrations from the spiritual realm to the physical, ensuring both are in tandem.

Moreover, Moon dives deeper into the intricate makeup of the human being by referring to the cells of the spirit and the body. It’s intriguing to think of the spirit self as having cellular composition, akin to the physical self. This perspective amplifies the idea that just as cells in our body resonate and function in harmony, so should the spiritual and physical realms within us. When both are synchronized in love, particularly in God’s love, they vibrate at the same frequency, allowing a heightened clarity of perception that transcends the boundaries between the physical world and the spiritual realm. In such a state, the veil between the two worlds becomes permeable, offering insights and experiences that are ordinarily beyond reach. This reaffirms the idea that love, in its purest form, acts as the ultimate unifier, bridging divides and fostering oneness.

The Original Citation For This Sun Myung Moon Quote

“Our spirit self and physical self should resonate like a tuning fork. When a tuning fork is struck, it makes a nearby tuning fork resonate at the same frequency. By the same principle, once God’s love moves in our spirit, our body automatically responds. What causes our mind and body to resonate 100 percent and brings them into the realm of oneness? It is not God’s wisdom or power. It is only love.”

—Moon, Sun Myung. The Divine Principle. 1st ed., Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, 1973. P. 151.

Additional Sun Myung Moon Quotes

“Human beings consist of a dual structure: a mind-like self and a body-like self. The mind grasps the vertical standard. The body holds a horizontal standard. Consider an ideal person, living by God’s ideal standard and receiving God’s love. When God’s love sounds vertically in the mind or spirit self, it resounds horizontally through the body. The spirit self, with its vertical standard, picks up the vibration of God’s true love and transmits it to the physical self, where it resonates through the person’s relations with his or her surroundings.”

—Sun Myung Moon [177:216, May 20, 1988].

“Both the body and the mind are composed of cells. Do you know that you have a spirit self, and that it has five spiritual senses? The cells of the inner self and the cells of the outer self resonate with each other.
The spirit self, our inner self that lives for eternity, and the physical self, our outer self that can live on earth only, should resonate with each other in love. When they resonate with God’s love, their spiritual cells and physical cells are linked together in the same vibration. Therefore, as the cells of the eyes vibrate, they can see everything in the spirit world as clearly as the physical world. They can see by virtue of their perfect resonance.”

—Sun Myung Moon [171:103, December 13, 1987].

“When your mind and body become united and you reach the point where you open the gate of love, your mind will resonate with the universe. In that state, you open to relate to everything in all its dimensions. Then even watching a fallen leaf tossed by the wind will bring you to laughter.”

—Sun Myung Moon [77:319, April 30th, 1975].