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True love can be felt only through experience and acquired through life.

Hak Ja Han Moon


Genuine Love

Topic: Love, Compassion, & Kindness

Love is the fountain of an individual’s happiness, life and joy. This precious, genuine love is not obtainable through external knowledge or external conditions or techniques. True love can be felt only through experience and acquired through life.

Hak Ja Han Moon

Hak Ja Han Moon, born on February 10, 1943, in Anju, South Pyeongan Province, now part of North Korea, fostered a deep connection with God from an early age, which significantly influenced her life's direction. At the age of six, she and her family undertook the daunting task of escaping to South Korea to avoid the challenging conditions in North Korea. This testing journey, early in life, instilled a resilience within her, underpinning her dedication to peace and unity.

In 1960, she wed the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Their union was more than a marriage; it was a partnership of shared goals, dedicated to creating bridges across divides. Together, they laid the groundwork, notably through the Unification movement, addressing reconciliation and unity across sectors such as education, politics, arts, and human rights. However, following the transition of her husband to the spiritual world in 2012, Dr. Moon faced the challenge of not only preserving but also expanding upon their shared legacy. With determination and vision, she took up the mantle, advancing global initiatives with renewed emphasis on education, environmental conservation, and humanitarian outreach.

Beyond her role as a wife, mother, and grandmother, Dr. Moon's leadership has been marked by her ability to continue building on the foundation she co-laid with her husband. The Marriage Blessing initiative, which they began with three couples in 1960, has grown exponentially under her stewardship, influencing millions worldwide. Her founding of the Sun Hak Peace Prize and the "Peace Starts With Me" global tour are testament to her independent initiatives post-2012, which have garnered international respect. Amid challenges and headwinds, Dr. Moon has emerged as a significant spiritual leader, both continuing the work she began with her husband and charting a distinct path forward.

Heavenly Parent's Holy Community

Moon, Hak Ja Han. A Model For the Ideal Family and World Peace. Vol. 2, Sun Hak Institute of History, 0AD, p. 171

Hak Ja Han Moon

About Hak Ja Han Moon’s Quote [Commentary]

Hak Ja Han Moon’s insights, articulated in “A Model For the Ideal Family and World Peace,” underscore the central role of love in human development and happiness. At its essence, she asserts that genuine love cannot be discovered in external pursuits or mere knowledge. It’s life’s experiences, from childhood to adulthood, that shape our understanding and appreciation of love. In a world often in pursuit of instant gratification and superficial contentment, Mother Moon reminds us that genuine happiness emerges from experiences that teach us to love deeply and completely.

Her philosophy positions love as a transformative journey. As individuals progress from the love experienced as children to the bonds shared with siblings, the intimacy of marital relationships, and the profound connection of parenthood, they encounter the multifaceted nature of love. Each stage refines and enhances one’s understanding and expression of love. Through this journey, individuals come to truly embody love’s maturity, unselfishness, and the profound generosity that characterizes divine love. This not only shapes one’s character but also amplifies their capacity for happiness.

Dr. Irina Shushkevich’s reflection on her interactions with Mother Moon reaffirms the embodiment of her teachings on love. Describing her as captivating “with her sincerity, spirituality, and kindness,” Dr. Shushkevich offers a testament to the power of love lived and expressed authentically. Through her genuine interactions, imbued with love, she draws people close, making every encounter impactful and memorable. Love, when sincerely lived and shared, has the unmatched ability to create deep connections and transform lives.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, A Foundation of True Love [Context Excerpt]

“As people grow, receiving their parents’ love, they experience the heart of children. And through the love of brothers and sisters, they experience the heart of brothers and sisters. When they mature as perfected true people with true character, through their married life, they experience conjugal love and the heart of husband and wife. When they give birth to children, through those children they experience the parental heart. All creation wants love and needs love. And people are especially filled with happiness when they feel true love and live a life based on true love. When they give and receive love, they are vibrant with life. The perfume of life blossoms in genuine love.

Love is the fountain of an individual’s happiness, life and joy. This precious, genuine love is not obtainable through external knowledge or external conditions or techniques. True love can be felt only through experience and acquired through life.

Human beings were created to develop and embody God’s true love, step-by-step, during their growth period, through their life experiences. In other words, people perfect their character as they experience, through this process of stages, the heart of a child, the heart of a brother or sister, the heart of a husband or wife and the heart of a parent. People’s character and happiness are determined by how rounded, how versatile and developed their love becomes as a result of experiencing these stages of life. To achieve the perfected ideal, their love must come to have the same qualities of maturity, unselfishness and total investment that characterize God’s own love.”

–Hak Ja Han Moon [A Model For the Ideal Family and World Peace. Vol. 2] p. 171.