You Will Know The Truth
Theme: Truth
Jesus then said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
Jesus of Nazareth is a cornerstone of spiritual thought, a figure whose influence transcends the boundaries of religious affiliation. Born around 4 BCE in Bethlehem, he is primarily known as the foundational figure of Christianity but also holds a significant role in Islam as a prophet. His life journey, from his humble birth to his baptism by John the Baptist, was marked by a public ministry that centered around themes of love, compassion, forgiveness, and justice. These teachings were accompanied by miraculous events, garnering a community of followers and disciples. His message aimed to shake the foundations of existing religious practices that were rigid and exclusive, offering instead a path rooted in compassion and inclusivity.
The Universal Christ concept enriches our understanding of who Jesus was and is. Especially emphasized in Franciscan traditions and mystical Christianity, this idea posits Jesus as a unique but not isolated manifestation of God's ongoing presence and action in the world. Through this lens, Jesus isn't just a figure confined to a particular time and space; he becomes an enduring representation of divine love and compassion. He serves as a window through which we can understand how God interacts with the world, offering a model for a potential divine-human union that respects the dignity and sacredness of all life forms.
In harmonizing these perspectives, we recognize Jesus both as a historical figure and as a transcendent representation of divine compassion. Whether viewed through the lens of traditional faith narratives or the broader scope of the Universal Christ, Jesus emerges as a teacher who calls us to enact love and compassion in our lives. His teachings, whether seen as divine or profoundly humane, offer a framework for community and interconnectedness that continues to be relevant across different cultures and religious beliefs. In a world often fractured by division and lack of understanding, the multi-faceted legacy of Jesus offers a timeless lesson in the transformative power of compassion.
The Gospel of John
Jesus. "The Gospel of John." The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version, Second edition of the New Testament, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1971.

Jesus of Nazareth
Theme: Truth
About This Jesus of Nazareth Quotation as reported in John 8:31-32 [Commentary]
Jesus of Nazareth’s words, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free,” reveal truth as a force that transforms and liberates. Addressing those who believed in him, he connects truth to discipleship, teaching that continuing in his word leads to a deeper knowledge. This truth is not just intellectual but experiential, bringing freedom from ignorance, sin, and spiritual blindness. It is a reality that must be lived, not merely understood.
Many wisdom traditions affirm that truth is more than information; it is a guiding principle shaping existence. In Christianity, truth is embodied in Christ, the eternal Word that reveals the nature of reality. Other traditions, such as Buddhism, describe truth as transcending illusions, requiring detachment from surface appearances. Jesus’ words, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples,” emphasize that knowing the truth is not passive—it demands commitment and practice.
Truth, as Jesus describes it, is a journey that reshapes one’s way of being. It is not possessed but discovered through faithful living. This truth does not impose freedom but reveals it, awakening a deeper understanding that is both inward and enduring. Whether approached through Jesus’ teachings or other traditions, his words remain an invitation to seek, know, and live in truth.
Andrew Wilson on Eternal Truth [Intro Paragraph]
The Eternal Word, Truth, Wisdom, or Principle pre-existed the creation of the universe, and continues to function in guiding the creative process. The Word is all-pervasive, and operates through specific physical, moral, and spiritual laws. Some texts assert that Truth or Principle may be grasped by ordinary reason as the impersonal laws which govern the cosmos. Other passages describe the essence of Truth as that which is comprehended only in Christ, or in Buddha, or in the mind of the sage. It does not partake of anything evil or immoral, according to Confucianism, and hence is only accessible to the moral person. Analogously for Christians, the Word is manifested completely only in Christ, the perfect man. Finally, this spiritual Word, according to Buddhism, is hidden from surface phenomena and may be understood only when the external world is not grasped or discriminated. It is Mind-only, a theme that finds echoes in con-temporary metaphysical movements such as Christian Science.
―Andrew Wilson, editor. World Scripture – a Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts. Paragon House, 1991, P. 155 [Bible, John 8:31-32].
Jesus’s Words Reported In John 8:31-32
Rick Warren’s On John 8:31-32 [Commentary]
“The Bible teaches that personal change starts with truth. It is the truth that sets you free! The Apostle Paul says, “Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him…” (Ephesians 4:21 NLT, second edition). Who is the truth? Jesus, and because Jesus is the truth, he will always tell you the truth. His Word is the truth…
What you hear on television or read in books isn’t always going to help you, because it’s not always the truth. Have you learned that? But what God tells you is always going to be the truth. God’s Word shows you how to get back to the life you were created to live, and then it shows you how to stay on God’s path.
This is why it is so important for you to have a daily quiet time in the Word of God: Change requires learning the truth. As long as you build your life on a foundation of lies, misconceptions, deceptions, or half-truths, you will never change. But when you face the truth and respond to the truth, you will begin to see change in your life.”
―Rick Warren [The Truth Will Set You Free, January 1, 2017].
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