There is one God looking down on us all. We are all children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
Geronimo (Goyathlay)

All the Children of One God
Topic: Overcoming Adversity
I was warmed by the sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes. I was living peaceably when people began to speak bad of me. Now I can eat well, sleep well and be glad. I can go everywhere with a good feeling.
The soldiers never explained to the government when an Indian was wronged, but reported the misdeeds of the Indians. We took an oath not to do any wrong to each other or to scheme against each other.
I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.
When a child, my mother taught me to kneel and pray to Usen [the Supreme Being, God] for strength, health, wisdom and protection. Sometimes we prayed in silence, sometimes each one prayed aloud, sometimes an aged person prayed for all of us… And to Usen.
I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures.
Geronimo (Goyathlay), Apache
Geronimo (Goyathlay).,

Geronimo (Goyathlay)
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Geronimo (Goyathlay)
“Goyathlay” is an alternate name for the legendary Chiricahua Apache leader better known as Geronimo. Geronimo was his Spanish name, and the one that was most often used for him in public life. “Goyathlay” comes from his own name in the Apache language, Goyaałé, which means “one who yawns.”
—Geronimo (Goyathlay).,