May in this family discipline overcome indiscipline, peace discord, charity miserliness, devotion arrogance, the truth-spoken word the false-spoken word which destroys the holy order.

May In This Family
Topic: Family & Friendship
“May in this family discipline overcome indiscipline, peace discord, charity miserliness, devotion arrogance, the truth-spoken word the false-spoken word which destroys the holy order.”
ZoroastrianismAvesta Yasna
Wilson, Andrew, editor. World Scripture II. Universal Peace Federation, 2011, p. 926 [Avesta, Yasna 60.5].
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Holy Zend Avesta [Avesta, Yasna 60.5]
The Avesta is a collection of the sacred texts of ancient Persia belonging to the Zoroastrian religion. The language of these scriptures is known as ‘Avestan’. It is an Iranian language very closely related to Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism. The Avestas were collated over several hundred years. The oldest portion, the Gathas are the hymns thought to have been written by Zoroaster himself. The later portions constitute elaborations of Zoroastrian thinking along with detailed descriptions of ritual practices.
–Ishwar (Peace) Website