Angels are preparing for heaven to exist on earth and for the dwelling of God among us.
Nora M. Spurgin

Angels Are Preparing
Topic: Life Beyond Death & the Spirit World
Yes, the angels are undeniably among us. It is to our benefit to recognize their service in healing and protecting us. Angels are preparing for heaven to exist on earth and for the dwelling of God among us. Their work with us, however, can be much more powerful if we learn to call on them—invite them into our lives.
Nora M. Spurgin, born on October 12, 1938, in New Holland, Pennsylvania, pursued education in social work, earning a Master's degree from New York University in 1967. Initially, she worked as a psychiatric social worker at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington and later at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas.
Venturing into spiritual and community service realms, Nora played a significant role as the President of the Women's Federation for World Peace from 1992, aiming to foster peace and understanding. She authored a booklet titled "Circles of Angels," sharing insights on how individuals could invite angelic support in their lives. This booklet is a testament to her spiritual exploration and her desire to share these experiences with others.
Her autobiography, "Spiritual Connections: Living in the Flow of God's Love," unfolds her spiritual journey marked by unique experiences, such as her trips to the Soviet Union and North Korea, and interactions with diverse spiritual communities across the globe. Through her writings and service, Nora M. Spurgin opens avenues for individuals to explore spiritual dimensions and embrace a harmonious existence.
Spurgin, Nora M. Circles of Angels: How You Can Call Your Own Circle of Angels to Energize Your Life. HSA Publications, 1999

Nora M. Spurgin
Theme: Angels
About This Nora Spurgin Quotation [Commentary]
Nora Spurgin’s quote, “Angels are preparing for heaven to exist on earth and for the dwelling of God among us,” invites us to see the connection between the spiritual and earthly realms. She presents angels as active helpers, working to bring divine presence into our world. Heaven, in this view, is not a distant ideal but something being prepared here and now through human and angelic cooperation.
Spurgin highlights that while angels are already at work, their impact can grow when we actively welcome them into our lives. By recognizing their roles in healing, protecting, and guiding, she encourages us to cultivate a closer relationship with these spiritual companions. This call to engage with angels is both practical and deeply meaningful, offering support in daily life and in humanity’s broader spiritual evolution.
At its core, Nora Spurgin’s message emphasizes partnership. Angels stand ready to assist, waiting for our invitation. By opening ourselves to their presence, we take part in preparing the world for greater spiritual awakening, fostering a future where the divine and human are more fully united.
Nora Spurgin’s Introduction to Circles of Angels
Angels are making their presence known in unprecedented ways. At this time in history, spiritual energies, long unknown to most of us, are surfacing in the consciousness of humankind. Massive changes are occurring throughout the world. Like one generation giving birth to another, Mother Earth herself seems to be enduring chaotic labor pains, pushing mightily against old boundaries and limitations until life bursts forth into an age of transcendent spirituality.
There is also a universal acceleration of the healing of humankind. Humanity appears to be moving toward its true and original nature; there to find a home in the heavenly Father—Mother, God. Today we begin to sense as a reality that the global family is being prepared as a place where the spirit of God may truly dwell. So too the world of angels is making its presence known among us. Like midwives, angels are helping to move the process along—comforting, consoling, guiding, protecting, encouraging—usually without thanks or even recognition.
Now is the time for angels to be recognized and understood, even empowered. It is time for humankind to get in touch with the undercurrent of spiritual energy uniting everyone on earth and linking us to heaven.
Yes, the angels are undeniably among us. It is to our benefit to recognize their service in healing and protecting us. Angels are preparing for heaven to exist on earth and for the dwelling of God among us. Their work with us, however, can be much more powerful if we learn to call on them—invite them into our lives.
This little book about circles of angels is not only to inform and inspire; it is a manual on how to work with angel powers. It is for you, the readers, to know that you can invite your own circle of angels to surround and work with you. It is the angels’ announcement that they are waiting to help you. It is for you to know their presence and their anticipation of your calling on them. Invisibly surrounding you, they know that this is the moment for humanity’s spiritual birth. They eagerly long for your commission. Like many of us, they await the time when we will no longer “see through a glass darkly but face to face.” (I Corinthians 13:12). In turn, we will help the angels find their own fulfillment and joy in serving God’s earthly family.
May this book open the angels’ gift to you. It is a gift that will never end. Your circle of angels can be your enduring companion—bringing joy and goodness throughout your life. Call those who seek only goodness to surround you.
Here is their love to you.
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