Such a government system will arise through a chaordic, evolutionary process that does not destroy existing organizations, but transcends and enfolds them enabling them to be more effective, and contribute to a more benign, equitable, sustainable society.
Dee W. Hock

An Emergent Phenomenon
Topic: Global Peace & Development
“Is the welling up that is happening an emergent phenomenon waiting for its strange attractor? If so, would the attractor be an event, a person, a concept, an effort, or something not yet imagined? I do not know, but of three things I am persuaded:
Such governance will not be a design imposed from the top down– that is it will not originate from nation-states, corporations, religions, universities or persons of wealth and power.
Such a governance system already exists in the minds, spirits and hearts of all people waiting to be educed, then take on form and substance.
Such a government system will arise through a chaordic*, evolutionary process that does not destroy existing organizations, but transcends and enfolds them enabling them to be more effective, and contribute to a more benign, equitable, sustainable society.
I believe that the right group of people with the right purpose, the right principles, the right methods and the right resources could be the strange attractor that sets is motion an evolutionary process. Within 24 months, that process could educe from the minds and hearts of the people the global governance for which they yearn, and upon which the future of the species may depend.”
–Dee W. Hock [“Is Global Government Trying to Happen?” Dee W Hock Blog, 6 Oct. 2017,].
Visa Founder and Consultant
Hock, Dee W. [“Is Global Government Trying to Happen?” Dee W Hock Blog, 6 Oct. 2017,].
Dee W. Hock
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An Emergent Phenomenon
Scientists studying complexity theory often describe simultaneous appearance of similar, unconnected things in diverse places as “an emergent phenomenon,” which then coalesces into a coherent system through the forces of “a strange attractor.” What they describe is amazingly similar to the emergence of the Visa system for the exchange of value forty seven years ago.
–Dee W. Hock [Is Global Government Trying to Happen? (October 6, 2017)].
A System of Global Governance
The past thirty three years of my life since leaving Visa have been spent exploring the possibility that inherent in such concepts may be the solution to the epidemic of institutional failure now raging throughout the world; that they may be the key to emergence of a system of global governance more in harmony with the human spirit, the biosphere, and the exploding complexity and diversity of society…. [Read Context (above) for the quoted passage and see Resources (below) to read entire blog post.]
*The words Chaord and Chaordic, which I coined twenty years ago by combining the first syllables of chaos and order, now appear everywhere, though the meaning is often distorted.
–Dee W. Hock [Is Global Government Trying to Happen? (October 6, 2017)].