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I think we urgently need to purify the religious atmosphere into one in which believers can have living faith and every soul can communicate with God.

Sun Myung Moon


Living Faith

Topic: Interfaith Pathways

As far as I know, God is not a sectarian. He is not obsessed with minor details of doctrine. We should quickly liberate ourselves from theological conflict, which results from blind attachment to doctrines and rituals, and instead focus on living communication with God. I think we urgently need to purify the religious atmosphere into one in which believers can have living faith and every soul can communicate with God.

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon, born on January 6, 1920, was a spiritual leader and luminary hailing from North Korea. He founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, better known as the Unification Church, in 1954. Drawing upon direct Prophetic revelation, influenced by the major faith traditions—especially Christianity, but also Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, and Buddhism. He also developed a political philosophy to resist the spread of the anti-religious Communist ideology. Reverend Moon's teachings centered on love, unity, and peace. He aimed to spark a global spiritual movement that transcended religious and cultural divisions, and his vision resonated with followers all over the world. Through the Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon also promoted interfaith understanding and collaboration, striving for harmony among diverse religious traditions.

Reverend Moon's teachings went beyond the realm of the spiritual to touch on the universal human themes of love and family. He emphasized the importance of nurturing strong, loving families as the cornerstone for a harmonious and peaceful world. To this end, he conducted mass wedding ceremonies known as the 'Blessing', symbolizing the unity of all people under God, regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds. Moon also stressed the value of community service and encouraged his followers to actively contribute to their local communities.

Sun Myung Moon's partner in both life and work was his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. As co-leader of the Unification Church, she is a pivotal figure in spreading their shared vision of a world unified by love and peace. Affectionately known as 'True Mother', she embodies the ideal of nurturing and unconditional love in their teachings. After Reverend Moon's passing in 2012, Hak Ja Han Moon assumed sole leadership of the Unification Church and changed the name to Heavenly Parent's Holy Community. In her leadership role, she has tirelessly carried forward their mission, upholding the church's emphasis on peace, interfaith dialogue, and strong, loving families. Under her guidance, the church has continued to flourish, spreading its message of unity and love to people around the globe.

(1920-2012) Heavenly Parent's Holy Community
Dialogue and Alliance

Bryant, M. Darrol., et al. Assembly of the World's Religions, 1985: Spiritual Unity and the Future of the Earth: a Report, 1986, p. 98 [Sun Myung Moon, Dialogue and Alliance, Nov. 15, 1985].

Sun Myung Moon

Theme: Interfaith Dialogue

About This Sun Myung Moon Quotation [Commentary]

Sun Myung Moon’s quotation, “I think we urgently need to purify the religious atmosphere into one in which believers can have living faith and every soul can communicate with God,” highlights his concern for the state of religious practice. He emphasizes the need to move beyond rigid doctrinal disputes and rituals that divide believers. Instead, he advocates for a dynamic, personal faith that allows individuals to connect directly with the divine. Moon envisions an inclusive spiritual environment where faith is not confined by sectarianism.

The broader context of Moon’s words further clarifies his perspective on interfaith dialogue. He notes that God is not limited by human-made doctrinal differences, which often become sources of conflict rather than spiritual enrichment. By encouraging believers to free themselves from these constraints, Moon underscores the importance of focusing on the core of spiritual experience—living communication with God. This approach aligns with his belief that true faith transcends institutional barriers and is marked by genuine, heartfelt interaction with the divine.

Moon’s call for purification of the religious atmosphere is linked to his vision of global spiritual renewal. He sees the potential for religious leaders and communities to unite in fostering a world where faith is a unifying force rather than a divisive one. This transformation requires a shift towards practical faith, characterized by love, compassion, and service to others. By promoting interfaith dialogue and harmony, Moon believes humanity can realize a peaceful world, reflecting the divine purpose of creation. His message encourages a collective movement towards a more sincere and inclusive practice of faith, fostering a deeper, more universal spiritual connection.

An Alternative Version of This Quotation

“As far as I know, God is not sectarian. He is not restricted by minor details of doctrine. We should quickly liberate ourselves from theological conflict which results from blind attachment to doctrines and rituals, and instead focus on living relationships with God. In my view, we urgently need to purify the religious atmosphere into one in which believers can have living faith and every soul can communicate with God. In God’s parental heart and His great love, there is no discrimination based on color or nationality. Today God is trying to embrace the whole of humankind as His children. Through inter-religious dialogue and harmony we should realize one ideal world of peace, which is God’s purpose of creation and the common hope of humankind.”

—Sun Myung Moon [Andrew Wilson, editor. World Scripture II. Universal Peace Federation, 2011, p. 396 (Sun Myung Moon, 135:221, 11/16/85)].

Additional Quotes from Sun Myung Moon

“After long prayers and reflections on the future of the world and humankind, I have begun to feel that God’s enthusiastic hope and the Holy Spirit’s strong power are sweeping over the whole world. Today the world should be renewed. Religious leaders all over the world should join together and encourage a movement of purification in every religion. There should be repentance and the renewal of true commitment. The world should change. There should be a new reformation. The banners of “living faith” and “practical faith” should be waiving everywhere around the world. Every religion should work beyond its own benefit to liberate the world from poverty and disease. By the practice of love and the burning conviction of faith, our witness will convince even atheists of the truth of the living God. Only through a religious and spiritual revolution bringing great harmony, love and compassion will we finally realize the ideal world of peace.”

—Sun Myung Moon [Dialogue and Alliance (Nov. 15, 1985)].

“…religions that should be bringing people together have instead divided themselves into many factions and are busy fighting each other. They have fallen into a selfish thought process that puts their religion or faction first. It will not be easy to tear down the religious walls that have stood for thousands of years, but these walls must come down if we are to advance into a world of peace. Religions and their factions must stop their meaningless fighting, find a middle ground for their differing opinions, and develop concrete ways to advance the world of peace. It is urgent that the struggles of modern ideologies, cultures, and races be overcome through interreligious understanding and harmony. The ultimate purpose of religion is to bring about the reality of a human community filled with love and peace.”

—Sun Myung Moon [A Peace-Loving Global Citizen] pp. 291-292.