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The twenty-first century shall be a century of righteousness… A new awareness will come to every person—that living for the sake of others has eternal value, far greater than living for oneself…

Sun Myung Moon


The Altruistic Values

Topic: Justice, Vision, & Leadership

The twenty-first century shall be a century of righteousness. It will be a century of spirit and soul, when wealth will not be the dominating factor. It will be a century when God and human beings live together as one. A new awareness will come to every personliving for the sake of others has eternal value, far greater than living for oneself. In the twenty-first century, selfishness will decline. The altruistic values of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values will be triumphant.

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon, born on January 6, 1920, was a spiritual leader and luminary hailing from North Korea. He founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, better known as the Unification Church, in 1954. Drawing upon direct Prophetic revelation, influenced by the major faith traditions—especially Christianity, but also Judaism, Islam, Confucianism, and Buddhism. He also developed a political philosophy to resist the spread of the anti-religious Communist ideology. Reverend Moon's teachings centered on love, unity, and peace. He aimed to spark a global spiritual movement that transcended religious and cultural divisions, and his vision resonated with followers all over the world. Through the Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon also promoted interfaith understanding and collaboration, striving for harmony among diverse religious traditions.

Reverend Moon's teachings went beyond the realm of the spiritual to touch on the universal human themes of love and family. He emphasized the importance of nurturing strong, loving families as the cornerstone for a harmonious and peaceful world. To this end, he conducted mass wedding ceremonies known as the 'Blessing', symbolizing the unity of all people under God, regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds. Moon also stressed the value of community service and encouraged his followers to actively contribute to their local communities.

Sun Myung Moon's partner in both life and work was his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. As co-leader of the Unification Church, she is a pivotal figure in spreading their shared vision of a world unified by love and peace. Affectionately known as 'True Mother', she embodies the ideal of nurturing and unconditional love in their teachings. After Reverend Moon's passing in 2012, Hak Ja Han Moon assumed sole leadership of the Unification Church and changed the name to Heavenly Parent's Holy Community. In her leadership role, she has tirelessly carried forward their mission, upholding the church's emphasis on peace, interfaith dialogue, and strong, loving families. Under her guidance, the church has continued to flourish, spreading its message of unity and love to people around the globe.

(1920-2012) Heavenly Parent's Holy Community

Wilson, Andrew, editor. World Scripture II. Universal Peace Federation, 2011, p. 1025 [Sun Myung Moon (219:120, Aug. 28, 1991)].

Sun Myung Moon

Theme: Leadership

About This Sun Myung Moon Quotation [Commentary]

Sun Myung Moon’s vision for the twenty-first century highlights the transformation he envisages for humanity. His declaration that “The twenty-first century shall be a century of righteousness” sets a tone of optimism and spiritual renewal. Moon emphasizes a shift from materialism to values centered on spirit and soul. He suggests this era will be marked by a harmonious coexistence between God and humans, focusing on deeper spiritual awareness and collective well-being.

Central to Moon’s message is the idea that living for others holds “eternal value, far greater than living for oneself.” This principle of altruism forms the cornerstone of his vision for the future. Moon’s assertion challenges the prevalent culture of self-interest, proposing that true fulfillment and lasting significance are found in selfless service to others. This philosophy aligns with the principles of servant leadership, where leaders prioritize the needs of others, fostering a community rooted in mutual respect and shared prosperity.

Moon’s foresight into the decline of selfishness and the rise of “interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universally shared values” speaks to a collective awakening. He envisions a world where altruistic values prevail, driving societal progress and cohesion. This perspective invites us to reconsider our motivations and actions, encouraging a shift towards a more interconnected and compassionate society. Moon’s words remind us that our true legacy lies in the impact we have on others, affirming that we elevate our humanity by uplifting those around us.

Additional Sun Myung Moon Quotes

“True leadership is altruistic and based upon God’s will. We religious people should reflect deeply and recognize that we are responsible for many of the absurdities and problems in this age… Now, truly, not only should we have faith, we also need to practice love.”

—Sun Myung Moon [234:273, August 26, 1992]

“Democracy is the ideology of brotherhood. It promotes equality by upholding freedom. But is freedom alone enough to secure happiness? No. To secure happiness, love must be the highest value.”

—Sun Myung Moon [201:73, March 1, 1990]

“It is difficult to maintain order in the world and protect public prosperity and peace as long as political leaders conduct affairs while ignoring moral and spiritual values. No political power or earthly authority should stand above God and the heavenly law.”

—Sun Myung Moon [359:323, Nov. 8, 2001]

“History is guided not by the thought or doctrine that people adopt to meet the needs of a given moment. Rather, it is guided by the conscience that calls people to a higher place. That higher place is God’s heart.”

—Sun Myung Moon [Cheon Seong Gyeong, 34] pp. 1069-70