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Let nothing upset you; Let nothing frighten you. Everything is changing; God alone is changeless.

Saint Teresa of Avila


Let Nothing Frighten You.

Topic: Courage, Integrity, & Purpose

Let nothing upset you;
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the goal.
Who has God lacks nothing;
God alone fills every need.

Saint Teresa of Avila

Saint Teresa of Ávila, born Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada (28 March 1515 – 4 October 1582), was an influential Spanish mystic, Roman Catholic saint, and a central figure of the Counter-Reformation. Best known for her deep theological insights, she authored several important works that reflect her devotion to a life of contemplative prayer. Known for her mystical experiences, Teresa embraced the spiritual path as a Carmelite nun, where she found the essence of her vocation. Her understanding of contemplative life through mental prayer has had an enduring impact on Christian spirituality, even transcending the confines of her own religious tradition.

In addition to her spiritual contributions, Saint Teresa is remembered for her significant role in reforming the Carmelite Order of her era. Her reformative efforts were a response to a perceived laxity in her order, focusing on the renewal of commitment to solitude and poverty. Along with Saint John of the Cross, she initiated a movement that resulted in the establishment of the Discalced Carmelites, an order that emphasized austerity and the contemplative life. Notably, this significant institutional development occurred posthumously, with neither Teresa nor John alive when the Carmelite Order ultimately separated into two distinct branches.

(1515-1582) Christianity

Easwaran, Eknath. "God Makes The Rivers to Flow." Wehlage, James, translator. ["Let Nothing Upset You," Saint Teresa of Avila] Pp. 206, 319. This little poem "Let Nothing Upset You" was written without thought of publication and was found in her breviary after her death.

Saint Teresa of Avila

Theme: Moral Courage

About This Saint Teresa of Avila Quote [Brief Commentary]

Saint Teresa of Avila’s words, “Let nothing upset you; Let nothing frighten you. Everything is changing; God alone is changeless,” invite us to a deep, steady trust in the unchanging nature of God amidst life’s flux. This statement reflects a profound understanding that external conditions will invariably shift, yet a constant, divine presence remains a source of strength and stability. By emphasizing that God alone is sufficient in all circumstances, Saint Teresa encourages an enduring calm and resilience, teaching us to face life’s uncertainties with a serene heart.

The extension of her message, “Patience attains the goal. Who has God lacks nothing; God alone fills every need,” further supports the idea of spiritual sufficiency and trust. Here, Saint Teresa highlights the virtues of patience and contentment, suggesting that spiritual fulfillment and ultimate reliance on God equip us to meet life’s challenges effectively. This guidance is not about passivity but about active engagement with life’s trials through a foundation of faith, encouraging us not to be daunted by temporary setbacks or fears.

Saint Teresa of Avila’s own life, marked by spiritual dedication and the pursuit of reform within the Carmelite order, serves as a testament to the strength that comes from faith. Despite physical ailments and institutional resistance, she remained committed to her beliefs, her writings, and teachings continuing to inspire many around the world. Her emphasis on divine constancy and the peace it brings offers a timeless lesson on navigating life with grace and conviction, underpinned by a deep trust in something greater than oneself.

Eknath Easwaran’s Commentary About Saint Teresa of Avila

Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, later to become loved around the world as St. Teresa of Jesus, grew up as a beautiful, high-spirited girl from one of the most distinguished families in the sixteenth-century Spanish town of Avila. With charm, intelligence, keen artistic sensibilities, and a saving dose of common sense, she seemed to have the world at her feet. Yet while still in her teens, this passionate young woman had already begun to find the attractions of worldly life too small to satisfy her. She felt their pull – would be torn in two by it, in fact, for more than twenty years. But nothing could silence a much deeper appeal, a call to a far higher destiny.

Some dim awareness of an infinite promise deep within her must have prompted her to turn inward. In her writings, Teresa describes candidly what was taking place inside. “All the things of God gave me great pleasure,” she recalls, “but I was held captive by the things of this world.” Yet the inward pull would not let her go:

“Reason tells the soul how mistaken it is in thinking that all these earthly things are of the slightest value by comparison with what it is seeking. A little recollection reminds it that all these things come to an end. And faith instructs it in what the soul must do to find satisfaction…”

—Saint Teresa of Avila.

Young Teresa had seen what life offers on the surface, and it was not enough. She longed for much greater challenges, deeper awareness, something more lasting than this world of change. “There is no joy in the finite,” the Upanishads say. “There is joy only in the Infinite.” Teresa’s soul yearned for the Infinite, and nothing less would satisfy her.

Teresa of Avila is so appealing a figure, so human and yet so inspiring, that we naturally want to know her secret. What enabled her to turn herself inward, heart and soul? Is it something that we can follow?

As it happens, Teresa did leave us her “secret.” In her autobiography, she stresses over and over the one quality she found vital: determinación, determination, decision, will.

Determination? Is that all? Surely, we think, some loftier, finer qualities must come before this mundane one. But then we reflect on our own experience. In any walk of lifearts, sciences, sports, entertainmentwherever excellence is achieved, there is one quality we almost always find: the sheer will to overreach oneself, to keep going whatever the odds until the goal is attained. St. Teresa is simply reminding us that we need this same quality to reach an infinite goal. The same determination with which we pursue passing, personal satisfactions can be used for spiritual growth.

If we find that we are not making the kind of progress we would like on the spiritual path, Teresa is suggesting, the reason may be simply that we are not trying our hardest. We may have all kinds of other reasons, but often the problem is simple lack of determination.

—Eknath Easwaran [Blue Mountain Blog, Deepening Determination, Advice From Saint Teresa (November 18, 2014)].

Additional Saint Teresa Quotes (Passages for Meditation)

‘To have courage for whatever comes in life—everything lies in that.”

—Saint Teresa of Avila

“Her heart is full of joy with love,
For in the Lord her mind is stilled.
She has renounced every selfish attachment
And draws abiding joy and strength
From the One within.
She lives not for herself, but lives
To serve the Lord of Love in all,
And swims across the sea of life
Breasting its rough waves joyfully.”

—Saint Teresa of Avila [“Her Heart Is Full of Joy”].

“I gave all my heart to the Lord of Love,
And my life is so completely transformed
That my Beloved One has become mine
And without a doubt I am his at last.

When that tender hunter from paradise
Released his piercing arrow at me,
My wounded soul fell in his loving arms;
And my life is so completely transformed
That my Beloved One has become mine
And without a doubt I am his at last.

He pierced my heart with his arrow of love
And made me one with the Lord who made me.
This is the only love I have to prove,
And my life is so completely transformed
That my Beloved One has become mine
And without a doubt I am his at last.

—Saint Teresa of Avila [“I Gave All My Heart”].