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It is the love of God that flows through all creation… Humanity is called to participate in this love by caring for the earth and all its creatures.

Hildegard of Bingen


To Participate In This Love

Topic: Love, Compassion, & Kindness

The greening power of the earth is the viriditas, which is the living light of the Holy Spirit. It is the love of God that flows through all creation, bringing forth new life and growth. Humanity is called to participate in this love by caring for the earth and all its creatures.


Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was a Benedictine abbess and mystic of medieval Germany. She was born into a noble family in Bermersheim vor der Höhe, Germany, and entered religious life at the age of eight. She received a rudimentary education, but at the age of forty-two, she began to experience a series of visions that would shape her life and work.

Hildegard described these visions as "the living light," and they were often accompanied by physical sensations such as heat, cold, and pain. She believed that these visions were a gift from God, and she felt called to share them with the world. She began to write down her visions, and she also composed music and poetry to express her spiritual insights.

Hildegard was a prolific writer, and her works cover a wide range of topics, including theology, natural science, medicine, and music. She is best known for her three volumes of visionary theology: Scivias, Liber Vitae Meritorum, and Liber Divinorum Operum. These works are rich in symbolism and imagery, and they offer a unique perspective on the nature of God, the human soul, and the world.

In addition to her writings, Hildegard was also a gifted musician and composer. She wrote over 70 songs, including the Ordo Virtutum, an early example of liturgical drama. Her music is characterized by its simple melodies and its use of plainchant.

Hildegard was a complex and multifaceted figure, and her work continues to inspire and challenge people today. She was a visionary, a mystic, a writer, a composer, a scientist, and a healer. She was also a woman of great courage and determination, and she used her gifts to make a difference in the world.

Hildegard of Bingen was a remarkable woman who left a lasting legacy. She was a pioneer in the fields of theology, natural science, and music, and her work continues to be studied and appreciated today. She was also a powerful voice for women's rights, and she challenged the patriarchal structures of her time. Hildegard of Bingen was a true visionary, and she continues to inspire us with her courage, her intellect, and her creativity.

(1098-1179) Christianity

Hildegard of Bingen. "Vision 3, Part 1." Scivias. Translated by Bruce Hozeski and Jane Bishop. Paulist Press, 1990, pp. 62-63.

Hildegard of Bingen

Theme: Love

About This Hildegard of Bingen Quotation [Commentary]

Hildegard of Bingen’s quote, “It is the love of God that flows through all creation… Humanity is called to participate in this love by caring for the earth and all its creatures,” captures her vision of divine interconnectedness. In her theological framework, the concept of “viriditas,” or the greening power, symbolizes the living light of the Holy Spirit that animates all creation. This divine love manifests in the natural world, bringing forth life and growth. Hildegard suggests that by recognizing and nurturing this divine presence within nature, humanity aligns itself with God’s love and purpose.

The context passage further elaborates on this vision, emphasizing humanity’s role in this divine process. Hildegard of Bingen believes that caring for the earth and its creatures is not merely an act of stewardship but a sacred participation in divine love. The “viriditas” represents the vitality and spiritual essence that sustains all life, and when humanity engages in nurturing the earth, it becomes a conduit for this divine energy. This view promotes a sense of responsibility and reverence for the natural world, urging individuals to see their actions as integral to the broader spiritual ecosystem.

Hildegard’s message remains relevant today as we face numerous environmental challenges. Her call to participate in God’s love through ecological care underscores the ethical and spiritual dimensions of environmental stewardship. By framing ecological responsibility as a divine mandate, Hildegard encourages a holistic approach that integrates spirituality with practical action. Her vision inspires us to honor the sacredness of all creation, recognizing that our well-being is linked to the health of the earth. In this way, Hildegard’s teachings offer a timeless and urgent call to nurture both our planet and our souls.

Hildegard’s vision of the viriditas

“The greening power of the earth is the viriditas, which is the living light of the Holy Spirit. It is the love of God that flows through all creation, bringing forth new life and growth. The earth is a living being, and it is sustained by the viriditas. When we care for the earth, we are caring for the viriditas, and we are participating in the love of God. We are also caring for ourselves, because we are part of the earth. When we destroy the earth, we destroy ourselves.”

—Hildegard of Bingen. “Vision 3, Part 1.” Scivias.

Hildegard of Bingen’s vision of the viriditas is a powerful and inspiring one. It can help us to see the earth in a new light and to appreciate its beauty and its importance. The viriditas is also a call to action. It challenges us to care for the earth and all its creatures. It is also a reminder of our interconnectedness. We are all part of the same living being, and we all have a role to play in its well-being. Lastly, it can also help us to understand our own place in the world and our responsibility to care for it.

Commentary from Richard Rohr [Excerpt]

Hildegard spoke often of viriditas, the greening of things from within, analogous to what we now call photosynthesis. She saw that there was a readiness in plants to receive the sun and to transform its light and warmth into energy and life. She recognized that there is an inherent connection between the Divine Presence and the physical world. This Creator-to-created connection translates into inner energy that is the soul and seed of every thing, an inner voice calling us to “become who you are; become all that you are.” This is our life wish or “whole-making instinct.” [Richard Rohr, Viriditas: The Greening of Things, Monday,  August 3, 2020.]

Additional Hildegard of Bingen Quotes

“The earth is at the same time mother, She is mother of all that is natural, mother of all that is human. She is mother of all, for contained in her are the seeds of all. The earth of humankind contains all moistness, all verdancy, all germinating power. It is in so many ways fruitful. All creation comes from it. Yet it forms not only the basic raw material for humankind, but also the substance of the incarnation of God’s son.”

—Hildegard of Bingen. “Vision 3, Part 1.” Scivias. Translated by Bruce Hozeski and Jane Bishop. Paulist Press, 1990, pp. 62-63.

“The earth is a mother who nurtures and sustains us. She is the source of all life and growth. We are called to love the earth and to care for her. When we do this, we are participating in the love of God.”

—Hildegard of Bingen. The Book of the Nature of Things. Translated by Bruce Hozeski and Jane Bishop. Paulist Press, 2009, pp. 10-11.