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We are all God’s children and God has given each and every one of us a guardian angel…

Lorna Byrne


Our Guardian Angel

Topic: Life Beyond Death & the Spirit World

We are all God’s children and God has given each and every one of us a guardian angel that never leaves us for one second. We are never alone. Our guardian angel is always with us and is the gatekeeper of our soul.

Lorna Byrne

Lorna Byrne, born on March 25, 1953, in Dublin, Ireland, is a celebrated author and peace ambassador, known for her unique ability to communicate with angels from a very young age. Growing up in the suburbs of Kilmainham and Ballymun amidst financial hardships, Byrne had a challenging childhood, marked by her distinct ability to see angels physically. This unique trait often set her apart, earning her an ‘outsider’ status within her community. Despite facing a specific learning difficulty, which made reading, writing, and spelling a challenge, Byrne's determination saw her surmount these hurdles, setting the stage for her later achievements​​.

Embarking on a personal journey, Byrne married Joe in 1976, a union foretold by an angel during her younger years. They settled in a quaint cottage near Maynooth, County Kildare, and were blessed with four children. However, life threw a curveball at Byrne as her husband, who had been in poor health, passed away in 2000, as was also foretold by the angel. This period, although painful, seemed to deepen Byrne's connection with the angelic realm, providing a foundation for her future public life​​.

With a gentle nudge from the angels, Byrne embarked on a mission to share her experiences with the world, ultimately leading to her authoring of several bestselling books, including "Angels in My Hair," "A Message of Hope from the Angels," and "Love from Heaven." These works, which debuted at the top of the UK Sunday Times Book Chart, were penned down with the aid of speech recognition software, transcending her learning difficulties. Her writings, translated into over 30 languages and published in more than 50 countries, echo her lifelong interactions with angels, offering hope, love, and guidance to readers globally. Byrne's humble life in rural Ireland and her continued efforts as an interfaith peace ambassador further amplify her message of hope, love, and angelic companionship that resonates with many around the world​.


Byrne, Lorna. "Every Single Human Being has a Guardian Angel." Lorna Byrne Website, February 14, 2020.

Lorna Byrne

Theme: Angels

About This Lorna Byrne Quote [Commentary]

Lorna Byrne teaches that every person is accompanied by a guardian angel, irrespective of their religious faith. Through her lifetime’s interactions with angels, Byrne dispels common skepticism, showing that angelic companionship is a universal gift, not a selective privilege.

Byrne simplifies communication with guardian angels to a mere act of asking and acknowledging. She stresses active engagement, urging individuals to overcome initial skepticism and to embrace the ever-present angelic companionship. The anecdotes she shares depict angels’ persistent efforts to catch our attention, illustrating their eagerness to guide and interact. By tuning into signs and messages in everyday life, individuals can ‘connect-the-dots’ and learn to experience a rewarding communion with their guardian angels and the angelic realm.

Byrne explains how our guardian angels employ ordinary circumstances to teach, guide, and communicate. She presents a framework of angelic guidance that’s patient, loving, and persistently available, awaiting our recognition and responsiveness. Byrne invites us to consciously acknowledge and engage with our guardian angels, so that they can better fulfill their purpose of loving, guiding, and protecting us.

Every Single Human Being has a Guardian Angel [Excerpt from blog post]

Today I want to tell you more about something very important: every single human being has a guardian angel. I have never seen any person without a guardian angel. I am continually amazed at the number of people who doubt they have one. Many are happy to accept that other people might have a guardian angel, but doubt that they have one themselves.

In my book Stairways to Heaven, I tell the story of how I met a Jewish mother and daughter when I was doing a signing in Philadelphia in the United States a few summers ago:

“As I was saying goodbye to a woman an angel tapped me on the shoulder, and pointed down the queue saying; ‘There is a mother and child there who are very nervous. I am the mother’s guardian angel. My name is Rosalet.’

“When it was their turn, they walked towards me looking very nervous. The mother sat down on the chair beside me and said, ‘We are probably not meant to be here. We were unsure whether we would be allowed to come into the shop because this is a catholic shop and we are Jewish’. Up to that moment I hadn’t even noticed that it was a Catholic shop and I was shocked that someone of any religion would think that they weren’t welcome. The mother added, ‘Lorna, maybe God hasn’t given us Jewish people a guardian angel?’, still talking in a very hushed voice. I reached out to them both and took their hands, saying urgently, ‘Don’t you know that every single human being has a guardian angel. This is a gift from God. It doesn’t matter what religion you are or even if you have no beliefs at all. You both have guardian angels. I can see them both behind you as clearly as I can see you.’

“As they left happily I thanked both of their guardian angels for guiding them to come to see me that day, despite their fears. I was very moved, though I was still shocked to think that they could think they didn’t have a guardian angel because of their religious faith. We are all God’s children and God has given each and every one of us a guardian angel that never leaves us for one second. We are never alone. Our guardian angel is always with us and is the gatekeeper of our soul.

―Byrne, Lorna [Lorna Byrne Website (].

Lorna Byrne – How to Communicate with a Guardian Angel

I am frequently asked how to communicate with a guardian angel and the answer is simple: all you have to do is ask.

Your guardian angel is there all the time, waiting and hoping for you to start to listen to it. It has in fact, been touching you all along, willing you to realize that it is there.

As you read this, acknowledge the fact that there is an angel by your side. If you find this hard to do, just suspend your disbelief for a short time and imagine it. Have a little faith and be open to the possibility that there is someone there beside you who never leaves you even for one second, who wants to help you. Even if you are very afraid to do it, acknowledge your guardian angel and welcome them in. This is the first step.

Angels go to great lengths to try to communicate with humans. I have seen angels pulling people’s clothes or make them drop things to try and get their attention. We have so much help available, so many angels wanting to guide us but many of us don’t want, or are too busy, to listen. We believe that we can do everything ourselves.

Consider for a moment how often you have had an experience like this. You are heading off somewhere and you go right instead of left.

Deep inside you knew that you should have gone left and you kick yourself. That would have been your guardian angel telling you telepathically, or whispering in your ear, that you should go left.

Each time something like this happens remind yourself to listen the next time. So many times we ignore our guardian angel or do the complete opposite and then we complain that things do not work out for us. God wants us to be happy and to enjoy our lives but we need to listen to our guardian angel.

Angels love to teach and are brilliant teachers. If you are willing and open to learn, they will teach you how to communicate with them. One of the great things about angels is that they never give up. Even if we give up on ourselves, the angels never will. I don’t know where they get the patience from.

In the early stage of teaching you how to communicate, the angels will teach you using trivial things. Perhaps you have left your house when suddenly you get a feeling that you have forgotten something, but you know you have everything with you. Well go back in and check – this is how the angels teach people. More than likely you will find that there is something that you hadn’t thought of that you had forgotten or there is something that needs to be done. The angels use ordinary, everyday things as teaching tools. They are trying to get through to you, they want you to respond. We humans go around looking for meaning in everything. Stop looking for meaning all the time. Don’t over complicate matters. The angels will tell you when to look for meaning.

Angels are very good at giving signs. If you are only starting to develop your communication then ask for a small sign. Keep asking too. Perhaps you might ask for a particular friend who you haven’t been in contact with for a while to ring you, or you might ask for the lights in your room to flicker when you are thinking of, or talking to your guardian angel.

Be alert for signs, often we miss them. A person asking for help may feel a gentle breeze flowing across the room, sometimes an angel might touch your hand or you might feel a sensation of pins and needles out of the blue. These little signs are your guardian angel’s way of telling you that they are there and that they can hear you.

A sign from the angels, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time, is a symbol of hope that reminds us that we are not alone, no matter what may be happening in our lives.

We need signs because we are only human and we need reassurance. We need to know that God and his angels are there. God gives us many signs and if we keep our eyes, ears and hearts open we will see them and they will help to fill our lives with hope, joy and laughter.

―Lorna Byrne [Every Single Human Being has a Guardian Angel (See link under Resources)].